With all the attention that drinking water safety is getting lately, you probably have all of these questions and more when it comes to the drinking water in your home. Trojan understands the need for our clients to have a better understanding of water pH and plumbing. Below is some information and frequently asked questions to give you a better understanding.

What is pH?

  • pH stands for “potential hydrogen”. it’s a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions present in something – the greater the ion concentration, the more acidic something is. Less hydrogen (and more hydroxide ions) makes a substance more basic (sometimes referred to as “alkaline”).
  • There are a lot of things that can affect the pH of a water source. The most important factor is the composition of soil and bedrock that the water is found in, be it a surface water body (the bed/banks of a lake or river) or a groundwater aquifer. Large amounts of decomposing plant matter in a water body can also increase pH through the release of carbon dioxide (which turns into a weak acid in the water).
  • pH is commonly measured on a scale going from 0 to 14, with 0 being highly acidic and 14 highly basic. A 7 on this scale means a substance is neutral (having balanced concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxide ions), as is the case with distilled (pure) water.
  • The scale is logarithmic, meaning that each jump between numbers represents a tenfold change – a pH of 3.0 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 4.0, and 100x more acidic than a pH of 5.0.

How Does pH Affect Plumbing & Water Quality?

pH is an indicator of the acid or alkaline condition of water. The pH scale ranges from 0-14; 7 indicates the neutral point. The normal pH range of drinking water is 6 – 8.5. The pH is mostly a result of natural geological conditions at the site and the type of minerals found in the local rock. The pH can also be affected by acid rain. Water with a pH value less than 7 is acidic and tends to be corrosive. Acidic water (low pH) can leach metals from plumbing systems, which can cause pipes to leak. Metals that leach from the pipes (lead from lead pipes or copper from copper pipes) may also cause health problems. Water with a value greater than 7 indicates alkalinity and tends to affect the taste of the water. Alkaline drinking water may take on a “soda” taste. Corrosion problems also can occur in plumbing.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my water is acidic?”

There are some noticeable signs that your water can be acidic. if you have copper pipes, and they appear as blue or green stains in the bottom of your sink or tub or if you suspect you have acidic water, then a simple pH test will tell you whether your water is acidic or not. pH test kits are available at most pool supply stores. If your water has a pH of less than 7 then it is considered acidic and should be treated.

How do acid neutralizers increase the pH level?”
Acid neutralizers work by passing the acidic water through either the calcite or Corosex mediums which are dissolved into the water balancing out the pH level.

Why does the acid neutralizer increase hardness?
A calcite system uses crushed and screened white marble limestone and is dissolved in the water to neutralize acidic water. The dissolved limestone in the water is responsible for the increase in hardness. A Corosex system uses reactive Magnesium oxide which, like calcite, is dissolved in the water.

How easy is it to install one of the acid neutralizers?”
If you consider yourself a DIY kind of person, then it is usually not too hard. You do need access to a drain and you should place the acid neutralizer in a place near your main water line. If you feel that you’d rather call in a professional, then give trojan a call and one of our experienced technicians will be happy to assist.

I tested my water and it has a pH of less than 5.5 what can I do?”
Other methods should be considered for example; a chemical metering pump which feed’s a liquid solution of soda ash or sodium hydroxide into the water system. It would be best to call the professionals in to do these tests, you can call Trojan to make an appointment at any time and we will send one of our qualified technicians.