Leaking water can cause major damage to your home, especially if you don’t know it’s there. Mold and mildew can be very harmful and can grow quickly in damp environments and can cause serious damage in your home, including your walls. To protect your home against mold growth and wall damage, it is imperative to catch leaks as soon as possible.

There are a number of issues that can lead to water leaks inside a wall:

  • Weak plumbing which cannot withstand the weight of concrete and crumbles over time.
  • External forces taking their toll on plumbing leading to punctures
  • In older houses, hard water corroding metallic pipes to the point of creating a leak

Whatever the cause of pipes bursting in the home, it is important to make sure that a solution is found as soon as the problem is detected. There are several clues which indicate that there could be a water leak inside your walls:

  • Look for standing puddles of water near a wall.
  • Look for discoloration on a wall.
  • Inspect walls for a change in texture.
  • Note any signs of mold or mildew.
  • Pay attention to any musty smells.
  • Listen for dripping sounds.
  • Keep an eye on your water bill.
  • Confirm whether the leak is coming from defective plumbing.
  • Check for leaks in foundation walls.

If you suspect you have a leak inside your wall, contact Trojan Plumbing as soon as possible to ensure it can be treated, so no further damage can occur.


At Trojan Plumbing, our plumbers use sophisticated equipment to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. We also use precision leak detection equipment, along with specialised training to locate even the smallest leak. Once our plumber locates the leak, we will be able to safely access it and evaluate the damage.


When dealing with leaks in the wall, it is essential that you stay vigilant about the warning signs listed, especially where mold or mildew is concerned. The moment that you have enough evidence that there could be silent water damage occurring in your home, the sooner you have to be able to minimize the damage. In order to keep your home and family safe, call Trojan Plumbing right away and feel safe knowing you have expert leak detectives on the job.

Call our offices on 087 357 3461 to make an appointment.