A heat pump is a super-efficient way of heating up water and using it in your house or business. It looks very similar to an air conditioning unit and as the water cycles through the unit it heats up the water.

How is that different to a normal conventional geyser?

A normal geyser uses a thermostat which draws 2.7 KW of electricity to heat an element. This element heats up the water which gives you hot water when you shower or bath etc

It works pretty much like a kettle, except every so often the thermostat is turning on and off to make sure the water is always hot. This is where a geyser is not efficient and you can  end up having large electrical bills.

When a heat pump is installed it replaces the job of the thermostat. The geyser becomes a bank or a storage container for the hot water and the heat pump heats up the water. The heat pump uses 0.7 kw of electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly. It draws the heat out of the surrounding air and therefore, they can be two to three more times energy efficient than conventional electric resistance water heaters. To move the heat, heat pumps work like a refrigerator in reverse.

Heat pumps are a great investment as well, the return on investment happens within 8 – 10 years and they last for 15 years, if maintained annually. For our “Go green” team heat pumps are simple to install and can be retro-fitted to any geyser. The great thing about heat pumps is that if there is a fault with the heat pump you can program your geyser’s thermostat to kick in as it normally would and heat the water as a back up.

Not only is it efficient, you will never be without hot water. For a heat pump quote and more information on heat pumps give us a call on 0873573461 or visit our “Go Green” page.